Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Niemann-Pick was on this week's episode of "Castle" on ABC

Hello NNPDF Families and Friends,

I have received a couple of calls and contacts at the Central Offices this morning indicating that viewers of the ABC television program ~ Castle ~ were surprised to learn that Niemann-Pick Disease was worked into the program script on last evenings program.

You may watch the program in its entirely via their web site link at:
The program episode is titled: When the Bough Breaks

It is especially poignant that this mention was made during October as NPD Awareness month ~ when education and awareness into NPD play such a key role for all of our families and children affected by NPD.

Thanks for the updates and happy viewing.

Nadine M. Hill
Director of Family Services
National Niemann-Pick Disease Foundation, Inc.
401 Madison Avenue, Suite B; PO Box 49
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0049
Phone: 920-563-0930
Fax: 920-563-0931
Web site:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Katie didn't cry today when I dropped her off

I was so proud of Katie today. She didn't even cry when I dropped her off at school. She took her back pack and went and hung it up on her own.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Katie is a funny girl

We've been working with Katie on not crying when I drop her off at school. She usually stops crying pretty quick. I've been having her count how many people say hi to her as we come in the school. I told her how Andrew use to say "Hello" to everyone and if they didn't say anything back he would say, "I said Hello". So far nothing has worked. Tonight, I asked Katie what we could do to make her not cry about going to school. She said "Milk and five dollars".

Monday, October 5, 2009

Update on Katie 10/05/09

Katie has been back to school now almost 2 weeks. She is doing really good. I asked her yesterday if how her stomach felt and she said, "No Pain." I asked her if it felt better than before the surgery and she said yes. Her stomach is still big, but it does look smaller along her waist line.