Friday, September 18, 2009

Update for Friday 9/18/09

Yeah!!!! We are finally out of ICU. Katie slept most of the night(Thursday night). She would wake up every 2 hours saying her stomach hurt and they would get the morphine. It worked almosted immediately all but one time. They had to add a little tylenol that time. She slept most of the day too. Around 2 pm they let her have clear liquids. She drank a juice box but threw it back up. She was able to try again around 5 pm and she kept it down. They moved us to a general pediatrics floor at 6 pm. We are now in room B4-310. When we got down here, they put her on a regular diet and she was able to eat yogurt, strawberries, and eggs. Hopefully, it all stays down. Through out the day they have taking out one IV line, a foley catheter, and all her monitoring patches. If she keeps all the food down tonight they will remove the NG-tube in the morning. Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers.

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