Thursday, August 13, 2009

Katie visits her Neurologist today

We took Katie to see her Neurologist today. He was concerned about the size of her spleen because now that she is more unstable she could fall and rupture the spleen. That would be very bad. He is going to speak with the radiologist at Harris about doing a spleenic embolyzation to reduce the size of the spleen. He said that if it is done there, the Cook's Anesthesia department will do the anesthesia. He also felt that with the spleen the size it is, no surgeon would do a G-tube. I know were not there yet, but those are two things that you don't want to have to do together.

He also recommended starting her on Neurontin for neuropathy in her hands and feet. Neuropathy is when the nerves start dying and it can cause pain and a pins and needle feeling. I've noticed that she has been holding her hands together and constantly rubbing them. This is the same thing Andrew did when he started having Neuropathy. The next thing Andrew started was chewing on his hands and pinching them.

Katie did great at the appointment except when Chuckie Cheese showed up in the waiting room handing out bears and chuckie dolls. She is scared to death of Chuckie Cheese when he is walking around in the costum.

P.S. If anyone has comments our questions please feel free to post them.

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